Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9


It took the death of both of my Grandparents for me to really learn how much of an impact people make in this world. Over fifty years ago my grandparents dedicated their lives so that the people of Germany could know Christ, a decision that impacted countless people both in Germany and America.

I've often wondered if I would have the opportunity to follow in my Grandparents’ footsteps. My grandmother was born in a region of Germany which is now inside Poland's borders. She married a US soldier and they became career missionaries. This has affected my entire family giving us a deep love for the Lord and for missions. Recently my mother has been praying for Poland, and so when I mentioned that I had been invited to take part in a missions trip to Poland she was ecstatic.


Last weekend I received a phone call from my friend Greg, who works with Proclaim! International, a missions’ organization that sends musicians and technicians all over the world to spread the Gospel through concert performances and personal evangelism. Greg informed me that the guy that was supposed to be doing sound for the upcoming tour into Poland was denied his visa at the last minute and they needed someone to take his place immediately. I must say that I was blessed that he even considered me for the position.


Proclaim is partnering with a national ministry group in Poland, to mobilize the churches in designated cities to work together to proclaim the gospel and plant churches. International teams of volunteers will join with local Christians in two cities for this multi-faceted ministry July 17-30. Our band, Writing on The Wall, will be an integral part of the outreach in both cities. The team, which includes musicians and support technicians (sound, lights, video), will gather initially for three days of rehearsal followed by a week of outreach in each of the two cities.

                                                                                                                                          There are a few obstacles I need to clear in order to go.

1. The tour starts July 14th in Poland. That means I would need to be on a plane before noon on July 13th, which is less than one week from now.

2. I need a passport. That is probably going to be the biggest hurdle of all. I only really have a few days to get that taken care of. So just those two things alone (the passport and the plane ticket) are going to probably cost $2,000.

3. The third complication is to take three weeks off of work. God has already answered this prayer and my boss has okay'd my time off; even so, while I am gone I will have no money coming in to pay my bills. My typical pay for three weeks would be $1,500 which will go mostly to my mortgage and bills. This means that I will have to raise at least $3,500 to cover all of my expenses.
I am very excited to see how God has already been working to pull everything together so quickly. I have utter confidence that he will be faithful to see this through to the end, providing all things needed.

This is where you all come in. Above all else I ask for your prayers. 

1. I need your prayers for my family as I am gone. Alisha will be in Iowa for most of the time that I am gone taking care of her mom who will be recovering from throat surgery.

2. I also ask that you pray for my travels and that the Holy Spirit will move in my heart and use me as He pleases.

3. And most of all I ask that you pray for the people in Poland. It is clear that God is moving in the community there and that he wants to use this tour as a part of that mission. Christ will be lifted up and the lost will be set free!

4. I also ask you to pray for one more thing. Please commit to pray about whether God wants you to donate financially to this trip. I have one week to raise $3,500. That being said, nothing about this trip will be short of a miracle. I rejoice knowing that your prayers and generosity will also make you a part of what God is doing in Poland.

If you would like to have a part in my financial support for this tour, you may donate through the Paypal link on this blog.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support!


  1. click here to read or download a copy of David's Newsletter with a response card http://goo.gl/kf46Y

  2. Woohoooooo!!!! This ride is exhilarating! Thank you God for allowing us to be your hands and feet in Poland!
